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Английский словарь американских идиом - pound


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  ~1 n 1 »WEIGHT« written abbreviation lb a unit for measuring weight, equal to 16 ounces or about 0.454 kilograms  (a pound of apples | Moira weighs about 130 pounds. | The grapes cost &2 a pound.) 2 »MONEY« a) written abbreviation ? the standard unit of money in Britain, which is divided into 100 pence  (a five pound note | They spent over a thousand pounds on their holiday. | a multi-million pound business) b) the standard unit of money in various other countries, such as Egypt and the Sudan c) a coin or note worth this amount  (Can you change a pound?) 3 the pound the value of British money in relation to the money of other countries  (There was pressure on the pound in the foreign exchange markets.) 4 »PLACE« a place where lost dogs and cats, or cars that have been illegally parked, are kept until the owner claims them 5 a quarter/half pounder a hamburger with a quarter or half pound of meat in it  (a quarter-pounder with cheese) 6 get your pound of flesh to get something that is legally yours from someone, even though it makes them suffer and you do not really need it  (merciless creditors, demanding their pound of flesh) 7 a 3-pounder/24-pounder etc a) animal, or fish that weighs 3 pounds, 24 pounds etc b) a gun that fires a shell1 (2) that weighs 3 pounds, 24 pounds etc ~2 v 1 »HIT« to hit something several times, making a lot of noise + against/on  (A heavy sea pounded against the pier. | pound sth)  (Thomas pounded the door with his fist.) 2 »MOVE« to walk or run quickly with heavy, loud steps + along/through/down  (He pounded up the stairs in front of her.) 3 »HEART« if your hearts pounds, it beats very quickly  (Patrick rushed to the door, his heart pounding with excitement.) 4 »BREAK« to hit something many times with a tool in order to break it into pieces or make it flat  (Pound the almonds and mix with breadcrumbs.) 5 »MUSIC« also pount out, pound away to play music loudly by hitting your piano, drum etc very hard  (Mrs. Jones pounded out the hymns on the old piano.) 6 »ARMY« to attack a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pounds, pounding, pounded) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The pound is the unit of money which is used in Britain. It is represented by the symbol ?. One British pound is divided into a hundred pence. Some other countries, for example Egypt, also have a unit of money called a pound. Beer cost three pounds a bottle... A thousand pounds worth of jewellery and silver has been stolen. ...multi-million pound profits. ...a pound coin. N-COUNT: num N 2. The pound is used to refer to the British currency system, and sometimes to the currency systems of other countries which use pounds. The pound is expected to continue to increase against most other currencies. N-SING: the N 3. A pound is a unit of weight used mainly in Britain, America, and other countries where English is spoken. One pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms. A pound of something is a quantity of it that weighs one pound. Her weight was under ninety pounds. ...a pound of cheese. N-COUNT: num N, N of n 4. A pound is a place where dogs and cats found wandering in the street are taken and kept until they are claimed by their owners. N-COUNT 5. A pound is a place where cars that have been parked illegally are taken by the police and kept until they have been claimed by their owners. N-COUNT 6. If you pound something or pound on it, you hit it with great force, usually loudly and repeatedly. He pounded the table with his fist... Somebody began pounding on the front door... She came at him, pounding her fists against his chest. ...the pounding waves. VERB: V n, V prep/adv, V n prep, V-ing 7. If you pound something, you crush it into a paste or a powder or into very small pieces. She paused as she pounded the maize grains. VERB: V n 8. If your heart is pounding, it is beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm, usually because you are afraid. I’m sweating, my heart is pounding. I can’t breathe. VERB: V • pounding ...the fast pounding of her heart. N-UNCOUNT: usu...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~s; also ~)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pund, from Latin pondo ~, from ablative of pondus weight — more at pendant  Date: before 12th century  1. any of various units of mass and weight; specifically a unit now in general use among English-speaking peoples equal to 16 avoirdupois ounces or 7000 grains or 0.4536 kilogram — see weight table  2.  a. the basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom — called also ~ sterling  b. any of numerous basic monetary units of other countries — see money table  c. the basic monetary unit of Ireland from 1921 to 2001  d. lira II  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, enclosure, from Old English pund-  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an enclosure for animals; especially a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed animals a dog ~  b. a depot for holding im~ed personal property until redeemed by the owner a car ~  2. a place or condition of confinement  3. an enclosure within which fish are kept or caught; especially the inner compartment of a fish trap or ~ net  III. verb  Etymology: alteration of Middle English pounen, from Old English punian  Date: 1594  transitive verb  1. to reduce to powder or pulp by beating  2.  a. to strike heavily or repeatedly  b. to produce with or as if with repeated vigorous strokes — usually used with out ~ out a story on the typewriter  c. to inculcate by insistent repetition ; drive day after day the facts were ~ed home to them — Ivy B. Priest  d. to move, throw, or carry forcefully and aggressively ~ the ball down the field  3. to move along heavily or persistently ~ed the pavement looking for work  4. to drink or consume rapidly ; slug ~ down some beers  intransitive verb  1. to strike heavy repeated blows  2. pulsate, throb my heart was ~ing  3.  a. to move with or make a heavy repetitive sound  b. to work hard and continuously — usually used with away  IV. noun  Date: 1876 an act or sound of ~ing POUND  I. biographical name Ezra Loomis 1885-1972 American poet...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a unit of weight equal to 16 oz. avoirdupois (0.4536 kg), or 12 oz. troy (0.3732 kg). 2 (in full pound sterling) (pl. same or pounds) the chief monetary unit of the UK and several other countries. Phrases and idioms pound cake a rich cake containing a pound (or equal weights) of each chief ingredient. pound coin (or note) a coin or note worth one pound sterling. pound of flesh any legitimate but crippling demand. pound Scots hist. 1s. 8d. pound sign the sign {pound}, representing a pound. Etymology: OE pund ult. f. L pondo Roman pound weight of 12 ounces 2. v. 1 tr. a crush or beat with repeated heavy blows. b thump or pummel, esp. with the fists. c grind to a powder or pulp. 2 intr. (foll. by at, on) deliver heavy blows or gunfire. 3 intr. (foll. by along etc.) make one's way heavily or clumsily. 4 intr. (of the heart) beat heavily. Phrases and idioms pound out produce with or as if with heavy blows. Derivatives pounder n. Etymology: OE punian, rel. to Du. puin, LG p{uuml}n rubbish 3. n. & v. --n. 1 an enclosure where stray animals or officially removed vehicles are kept until redeemed. 2 a place of confinement. --v.tr. enclose (cattle etc.) in a pound. Phrases and idioms pound lock a lock with two gates to confine water and often a side reservoir to maintain the water level. Etymology: ME f. OE pund- in pundfald: see PINFOLD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) фунт (0,453 кг); фунт-сила (4,448Н) 2) измельчать, толочь 3) дорож. трамбовать pounds per square inch, psi — единица давления, равная 6894, 757 Па; pounds per square insh absolute, psia — абсолютное давление, равное 6894, 757 Па; pounds per square inch differential, psid — разность давлений равная 6894, 757 Па; pounds per square inch gage, psig — избыточное давление, равное 6894, 757 Па - apothecaries' pound - avoirdupois pound - troy pound ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) истолочь 2) уколотить 3) фунт 4) фунтовой pound with pestle — растирать в ступке ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) фунт (мера веса=453,59 г., в Англии сокр. lb) 2) фунт (денежная единица, обозначаемая определенным знаком перед суммой фунтов и буквой l после суммы) 3) фунт стерлингов (английская денежная единица) - Australian pound - Egyptian pound - New Zealand pound - South African pound - Turkish pound - in pounds sterling POUND сущ. фунт а) брит. (мера веса, равная 3,59 г., в Англии) б) эк. =sterling в) эк. (национальная валюта Гибралтара, Ирландии (до принятия в качестве денежной единицы евро 1 января 2002 г.), Св. Елены, Фолклендских островов; 1 фунт = 100 пенсов) See: euro г) эк. (национальная валюта Кипра; 1 фунт = 100 центов) д) эк. (национальная валюта Судана, Сирии, Ливана и Египта; 1 фунт = 100 пиастров (в Египте также = 1 000 миллимов)) е) эк. (национальная валюта Биафры (в 1967 - 1970 гг.); 1 фунт = 20 шиллингов = 240 пенсов) See: national currency ж) эк., ист. =Australian pound з) эк., ист. =New Zealand pound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  фунт Основная мера веса, принятая в США и Великобритании. В торговой системе avoirdupois равен 16 унциям ounce или 453,59 г ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. фунт (единица веса; англ. = 452,6 г; ист. = 373,2 г) apothecaries pound —- аптекарский фунт 2. фунт стерлингов (также pound sterling) pound note —- банкнота в один фунт стерлингов in pounds sterling —- в фунтах стерлингов 3. фунт (денежная единица Австралии (до 1966 г.), Новой Зеландии (до 1967 г.), Египта и некоторых др. стран) Id: one's pound of flesh —- точное количество, причитающееся по закону (обыкн. безжалостно требуемое с должника и т. п.) Id: he insisted on his pound of flesh —- он безжалостно требовал выполнения сделки Id: pound for pound —- по сравнению с... Id: a pound to a penny —- по всей видимости; бьюсь об заклад Id: pounds, shillings and pence —- деньги Id: take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves —- копейка рубль бережет Id: in for a penny, in for a pound —- взявшись за гуж, не говори, что не дюж! 4. загон для (отбившегося от стада) скота 5. место для хранения невостребованных или невыкупленный вещей 6. место заключения, тюрьма 7. диал. пруд, запруда 8. гидр. бьеф (также pound lock) 9. спец. нижняя секция рыбного трала 10. магазин по продаже живых омаров 11. загонять в загон (также pound up) 12. заключать в тюрьму 13. огораживать (поле и т. п.) 14. оказаться в огороженном месте, из которого трудно выбраться (об охотнике) 15. диал. запруживать воду 16. тяжелый удар 17. глухой...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) фунт (англ.= 453,6  г)  2) фунт стерлингов (= 20 шиллингам)  3) фунт (денежная единица Австралии до 1966 г., Египта и некоторых других стран) - pound of flesh II  1. noun  1) загон (для скота)  2) тюрьма  2. v.  1) загонять в загон  2) заключать в тюрьму III  1. noun тяжелый удар  2. v.  1) бить, колотить; Whos that pounding at/on the door in the middle of the night?  2) колотиться, сильно биться (о сердце)  3) бомбардировать (at, on); The citizens yielded after the big guns had been pounding (away) at the town for a week.  4) толочь, раздроблять, разбивать на мелкие куски; This machine will pound the rocks down/up into suitable road-building material. The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand.  5) тяжело идти, бежать или скакать; We could hear elephants pounding along (the forest path). - pound in - pound into - pound out - pound gums - pound ear POUND ear помять ушко POUND foolish : penny wise and pound foolish - см. penny wise POUND gums болтать языком POUND in  а) вбивать, вколачивать; As I hadnt a hammer, I had to pound the nail in with a stone.  б) coll. вдалбливать (в голову), втолковывать; Instead of trying to pound the grammar in, why not let the children discover the rules as they write? POUND into  а) раздроблять, разбивать на мелкие куски; This machine will pound the rocks into powder.  б) вбивать, вколачивать; I had to pound the heavy wooden stick into the ground.  в) coll. вдалбливать (в голову), втолковывать; All morning Ive been trying to pound the facts into these stupid heads. POUND of flesh точное количество,...
Англо-русский словарь


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